Free HD Live Feeds
from Dubai Expo 2020

TVU offers you 100% FREE access to broadcast quality live feeds of Expo Dubai 2020, during the whole 6 months of the event.

All are available to you in TVU Search, our media source and AI search engine, through our partnership with DMI.

Just log in or sign up to watch, search, clip, and download.*


* This content is provided on a fee-free basis strictly for editorial, non-commercial use only. It is the responsibility of the media organization to clear all relevant music and usage rights in all transmission territories. Enquiries:

Cover all of your broadcasting needs

Receive access to the feeds in your email and learn more about our broadcasting solutions for the Expo.

Trusted by 3000+ Media Companies

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Free daily Live Feeds

Get a glimpse into the exciting experiences of World’s Greatest Show. You can access the Live Feeds directly through TVU Search. Use our AI search engine to quickly locate, clip and download what you need.


Broadcast your own live feeds 

Experience the speed and stability of bonded cellular technology and 5G with our on-site TVU One pack rentals: H.265 encoding. 1080p/4K. Data included. 24/7 online support and on-site crew here to help you.

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Even from your smartphone

Our TVU Anywhere App for H.265 allows you to make a full live transmission from your iOS / Android smartphone. Directional IFB and video return. Make the best of every shot with picture-in-picture, remote camera control, and more!


Output to SDI with a TVU Receiver

Our powerful receivers offer a variety of configurations to fit every need. Choose your favorite highlights from the Expo's feeds and output it to SDI, a third-party website, or CDN. You can send it to up to 6 different locations.

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